I love it when Gwen loves swimming lessons. I am proud when she kicks and moves her arm to attempt to retrieve a rubber duckie, sits on the side of the pool with outstretched arms in anticipation for "3" which means I'm going to lift her into the water, and only sputters a little when we go through the waterfall. Putting her face in the water is still an ordeal, but is anyone surprised?
I love it when Gwen loves the beach at the lake. Running straight for the water so that I had to quickly snatch her up before a dive-- she was FEARLESS! I am proud of her confidence getting in the water and articulation when she then asks me to help her "es-swimming, es-swimming!" (it sounds like 'It's swimming') with all her excitement.
I love it when Gwen wants to help water the garden... one lil tupperware at a time, each time coming back to me and the water bucket with a loud squeal and empty tupperware held overhead! And, to be perfectly honest about things, I don't mind when she purposefully dumps the tupperware on herself and laughs about it.
Do I love it when she wants to:
play in the rain? Yes. I suppose I do.
play in the mud puddles? Not so much. But once the clothes are dirty and the damage is done, I guess I do enjoy seeing her so happy, almost naked, and VERY dirty!
before and after