She's 2. Seems impossible, it really does. This year has truly flown. Didn't we JUST celebrate 1? She's quite a character, our little Gwen. I can't imagine our lives without her contagious enthusiasm, her stubbornness, or her affectionate hugs and kisses. Thank you for filling our home with so much love, sweetie.
What does Gwen love?
- girlie things: Disney princesses (especially Aurora, Belle, and Ariel), fairies (especially the 3 good fairies from Sleeping Beauty and Tinkerbell), dancing, singing, necklaces, stuffed animals, and real animals
- non-girlie things: climbing at the playground, playing in dirt and putting it in her hair, toy cars, trains, outside, and pumpkins.
- loves playing chase with Daddy, being tickled (especially by Daddy), and sitting in laps (especially Mommy's) to read books.
- attached beyond expression to binkie and giraffe, her crib necessities.
- talks to herself in the mirror, show's the 'mirror Gwen' her favorite toys, and tries to peek at her out of the corner of her eye.
- pretends to change diapers and wipe poop off of dolls, stuffed animals, and plastic toys.
- voluntarily runs herself into the bathroom (time out) when she starts to bawl.
- loves movies, pictures, and songs about Jesus. Can even find "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam" in her Primary songbook and start singing it. repeatedly requests "More Jesus, More Jesus"
- favorite colors: blue and purple. will only consent to wear other colors if they are a dress or if I point out cute buttons, flowers, hearts, fruits, animals, or sparkles on there. (and she enjoys picking out her own clothes in the morning)
- favorite foods: hot dogs, French fries, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fresh fruit, cheese, yogurt, cookies, and ice cream (sweet tooth and unhealthy favorites are NOT my fault). sometimes peas, carrots, broccoli, and beans, if she is in the mood. Rice, potatoes, and noodles are anybody's guess cuz sometimes she'll eat a ton and other times refuse it completely...but she always refuses something new, even if we assure her it is a delicious treat (like chocolate milk. she said "nonononono")
recent expressions:
"where'd he go? what happened?"
"where's the poop? Right dare, found it!"
"Mama coming? Mama coming?"
"Woohoo!!!! Allright! Woohoo!"
"I yike it! I yove it!"
"Hi bread, hi water" (spoken to the sacrament as it is being passed)
"Mama, carry you?"
"yap" = lap
"ah-beya" = all better
"fron do, back do" = front door, back door
"gitch-you!" or "gitch me!" = come get me
she still inverts the consonant sounds on many words:
"scoopy yights" = spooky lights
"crut" = truck
"skitchers" = stickers
"gray gound" (which also sounds like 'gray goat' sometimes) = play ground
"hog-gits" = hotdogs
we love you, Gwen! Happy birthday!!!