Monday, June 13, 2011
Gwen's Turn
When I took Caroline's 2 month pictures, Gwen was really into it. Afterwards, she climbed up on the blanket and said it was her turn to get pictures. I had to oblige. She's so beautiful!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sisters, Sisters
I hear the song in my head, how bout you?
Gwen ADORES Caroline. And Caroline likes Gwen---most of the time. She gives her big grins... but also scowls at her when Gwen pokes and prods. :)
Gwen calls her a "chubby lil girl", constantly asks how she is doing, and wants to know where she is at any given moment. She also has ears tuned to hear Caroline, as more than once she has alerted me that "Caroline's awake. She wants to eat." when I hadn't heard her yet. And my favorite was when she said, "I go upstairs check on Caroline, right? I be right back". LOL, gotta love sisterly love!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Picasso with Chalk

Antrim Lake
Last week we went to Antrim Lake with some friends from Eric's lab. The weather was gorgeous, the beach was crowded, and we had a great time!
Gwen loved building sand castles with Daddy and digging sand ditches (motes, of course) with Mommy
She had a blast swimming, even though she protested wildly at any suggestion of going under water. We had to keep close tabs on her though, because she would get up from playing in the sand and charge to the water without any notice. She wasn't scared at all.
Eric and I took turns. Caroline sporting her cute swimsuit from Grandma. Thank you!
She wasn't as excited about getting her lil toes in the chilly water... we only tried that once.
being comforted by Daddy
Until she finally fell asleep. It was wonderfully cute.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
2 months
Caroline is 2 months today. She is such a pleasant baby, so in some ways I am surprised we have really had her for 2 months. It doesn't seem that long (that's a good thing--the days and nights aren't dragging by). but on the other hand, she seems so much bigger and livelier, I can't believe she is ONLY 2 months! So different, it seems like she ought to be 3 months at least.
stats (of course, taken a week ago):
11 lbs 4 oz 75th percentile
22 inches tall 48%
15 1/2 in head 75%
recent pics:
growing up,
Saturday, June 4, 2011
100 things to be grateful for: #81-100
81. great friend E
82. getting to spend some quality time together for a long overdue chat
83. good news is always welcome
84. I finally care about the protagonist in a book I'm reading for school... there is a reason why this novel is barely 1/2 finished after a full 2 months. Good to at last be sort of interested in what occurs. :)
85. polar bears catching and eating fish before our eyes! Also jumping and leaping in the water!
86. sharing the first fresh peas from the garden right out of the pod and seeing how much Gwen loved em!
87. plenty of time for Sunday School lesson preparation
88. inspiration that I KNOW comes from the Holy Spirit-- and therefore from my Heavenly Father-- to guide me in my preparations. What a huge gift!
89. Gwen gives me sweet kisses every night after prayer
90. Looks like grocery bill for this week will be WELL under budget... a nice cushion from overflow for surprisingly expensive weeks is always nice!
91. making kimchi with Emi
92. oh, the delicious smells of kimchi-- brings back so many wonderful memories of Korea!
93. eating kimchi... you get the idea. I LOVED doing this with such a dear friend! we had so much fun!
94. Caroline has survived her first round of immunizations... a lil worse for wear, but she'll make it. :)
95. getting a tuition reimbursement from my MA program (had to pay out of pocket while the scholarship fund was going through)-- a nice, timely, lil cushion in the bank account to help us pay hospital bills!
96. a thoughtful note from Eric's grandparents
97. getting the Utah away rotation in the month of September just like we wanted!
98. Gwen minded me very well today
99. Netflix online viewing: gotta love Thomas the train
100. Hooray! so glad to be done with this posting project! (I'm prepared to admit that it has sort of worn me out having to attempt to post daily for 10 days, even something as pleasant and beneficial as a list of gratefuls. Obviously, daily posts didn't really happen because I got so behind, but the "pressure" was still there in the back of my mind. Glad to be back to posting when I feel like it!)
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