Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lucky St. Patty's Day!

Lucky me, Gwen went down EASILY for 2 of her 3 naps, giving me time to experiment (please ignore the painfully ugly rainbow-- I improvised!) with some different icing tips (namely the grass one) and make this:

Lucky Eric, he got to eat butter chocolate cake with a layer of mint cream in the middle that looked like this:

Lucky you, I'm including recipes for our DELICIOUS Ireland-inspired (sort of) dinner: semi-spicy BBQ Roast and Sweet Seasoned Cabbage in my next blog entry!

Lucky Gwen, she got to take a fun bath which is her favorite part of her pre-bedtime ritual:

Lucky Grandparents, get to see another cute pic of Gwen:

Lucky all of us, it is finally warming up and we are taking advantage by spending time outside!

Feeling Lucky lately? :)


  1. This is incredibly cute Elisa! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love the cake too! My fav flavor is mint chocolate. Can you post directions for that as well?

  3. Wow. Gwen is getting so big and so adorable. I can't get over her majorly blue eyes! How fun of you to make that cake. Looks delish!

  4. mmmmm!! Thanks a lot, I'm trying to cut weight for the running season and all I want is that roast meal and some mint chocolate cake. Yum, I wish you were my personal chef. You are one talented cookie.
    Gwen is outrageously beautiful. Her little face is like a doll baby!

  5. p.s. I didn't take that pic on my blog. my friend is a really good photographer (

  6. Chicadee, you are crazy! haha who makes a cake for St. Patty's day and then decides to have an Ireland-inspired dinner? Your talent is you have a cake decorating kit that you needed to experiment with at all? How did the cake taste?
    Love ya!

  7. I'm looking forward to your next blog post. =) and Fancy schmancy cake decorating! and you have such a CUTE little girl!!!!!

  8. So cute! Love the cake, by the way. We had Nilla wafer sandwiches with green frosting. Pretty pathetic.

  9. Wow, you are so amazing to make that cute cake and incredible dinner for St. Patty's! By the way, Gwen is SOOO cute. She's growing so fast!

  10. What a lucky day! That cake is gorgeous - including that rainbow - very creative! And Gwen is even gorgeouser...

  11. YOU MADE THAT CAKE??? No way I am totally impressed.
