Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Big Week for Gwen

Gwen really made leaps and bounds this week!... well, okay, so no leaping or bounding yet, but she did figure out some things.

a) she now rolls from front to back in addition to back to front. It is nice because she doesn't get stuck on her tummy and yowl at us to roll her back anymore. She just does it herself!

b) she discovered how to get out of her blankets EVERY TIME no matter what double burrito method we try. This has made getting her to sleep a real challenge. (because she has NEVER gone down for even a 2 minute nap without being swaddled) She gets out and then cries and whines in her crib. We wrap her again... and she's out five minutes later crying again because she is so tired and wants to go to sleep. Eventually she gets so worn out that she'll fall asleep before she can get out. But it takes a while. And there is lots of crying involved. Very sad for the lil gal.

c) she discovered the whole-hearted laugh! here she is thoroughly amused by mommy's and daddy's noises:

ps. notice her slightly pink cheeks? A result of a fun day at the zoo without being sunscreen prepared. (bad mommy) Stay tuned for another post on that!


  1. The laugh is absolutely adorable!!

  2. it's always a sad day when swaddling won't work anymore. Then they have to figure out how to sleep with flailing arms.

  3. Shane broke through his swaddling around that age too. My brother taught me a way to keep their arms wrapped that substitutes for swaddling. If you are interested, I can show you how it works. We still use it on Shane every time he goes to sleep and he is 8 months old. We are trying to wean him from it now, which is slow going, but it is a lot easier on us (and probably him) since we are able to ease him in to it. Looking back I probably would have preferred to wean him earlier, but c'est la vie!

  4. What a fabulous baby laugh! Those are the best! Good luck with the sleeping transition. Those are always hard on everyone.

  5. I LOVE that laugh!! Ahhh ... like I said in church today - positively perfect! And wow - I'm impressed that you're swaddling her still - Logan fought it a lot sooner and we had to eventually just stop trying probably around 4 months. It may take a little while, but I love sneaking glances at him now while he's sleeping and seeing the cute positions he's in. :) Silly, I know ... good luck!

  6. So cute! I love how they can go from laughing to not laughing so quickly. And I love the noises we parents will make to get our children to laugh. Priceless. She is such a doll!

  7. It's been forever since I've checked blogs... but I'm glad I stopped by yours to take a good look. Wow. Your little girl is BEAUTIFUL! I love her eyes, her heart shaped face and that LAUGH. It's contagious. She's a doll. As for your weight loss challenge.. You can do it!! Keep up the good work.

  8. Awwww! I LOVE IT! I can definitely see how watching this would cheer you up. Charlotte doesn't laugh quite that much yet. And, interesting since it is Eric that is making her laugh, Luke can get Charlotte to laugh ten times more than I can. I'm so glad she loves her daddy. Gwen really has made leaps and bounds! Charlotte has gotten really close to rolling over, but isn't quite there yet. What a big girl!
