Friday, December 18, 2009

Does it Seem Weird to Anyone Else that Christmas is Only a Week Away?

I can hardly believe it.

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Okay, Gwen was jealous of my typing and had to put in her 2 cents.
While this just might be a better post if I leave it at that, I originally wanted to say that I truly cannot believe Christmas is only a week away! Cold, yes, but no snow, hardly any Christmas lights, and only heavier traffic to indicate people are shopping. Even here at home-- it has really snuck up on me.
I keep day dreaming about large white flurries, hot cocoa, light Christmas music in the background, curling up with a book... but I probably ought to be grateful for no snow since we are driving to my parents'. Oh, Gwen wants to type again. I better go.


  1. I thought I was so prepared and that it would be a slow crawl to Christmas, but I'm shocked it's already next week too. Maybe you'll get a white Christmas at your parents!

  2. Yes it feels crazy weird and now it's only 4 days away!!! It came fast this year!
