Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easter and Grandma/Grandpa Hart Visit & TONS of Pics and Videos!

I'm behind, I know. Old news. Easter was weeks ago. I have been cramming in the final papers for my classes and committed to myself that I wouldn't take liesure time to blog until I had turned everything in.
Well, I finished the big paper (on Velasquez's Las Meninas) and just turned in the last paper (on Penderecki's avant-garde techniques in Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima that create a musical portrayal of raw suffering, if you were wondering... which you probably weren't--and if you WERE, I'd LOVE to talk to you about it!), so that means I am FREE to catch up!
My younger sister lives in Boston with her hubby and sweet baby. My parents drove up there to see her and stopped in with us on the way up and back to rest;... okay, who are we kidding? Everyone knows they really stopped to love on Gwen! She was asking for "ba-bah" (Grandpa)and "mama" (the same word as when she asks for me, but context was definitely for Grandma, especially since she was signing Grandma) after only a weekend visit!

We went to the park and played and played and played.
We rode on the train (quite blurry, but see how much Gwen is enjoying herself?) and played and played and played.
We stayed inside (in a pretty Easter dress!) and played and played and played.

We went to Graeter's, ate ice cream, and played and played and played.
We hunted eggs... which was sort of like we played and played and played. (Gwen sort of got into it by the end, though her first instinct was just to squat and point at each egg with an intake of air and a "woah") see the short clip video... there's more where that came from!
We (okay, just Gwen) got a basket of goodies, ate them, and played and played and played. (she thought the idea of the chalk bucket was taking them out and putting them back) check out her latest dance moves!

and enjoyed a luscious Easter dinner of ginger-thyme brined pork loin roast with a light cantaloupe salad drizzled with cantaloupe vinaigrette our happy mouths and satisfied stomachs played and played and played!
General Conference was a spiritual feast and we especially enjoyed listening to the testimonies of apostles and prophets speaking of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I can't say we 'played' during this, but it was certainly uplifting and wonderful. I am so grateful for my Savior, OUR Savior.


  1. Oh that little Easter dress is so precious on Gwen! Love it! Way to go on all your school work and dedication! You are amazing!

  2. We've never met, but our husbands are friends and I think that we would be too. :) Your Easter dinner looks delicious!

  3. That dinner sounds amazing! Way to go! I'm glad y'all had fun with G-ma and G-pa Hart...Gwen's videos are so funny...and I have to say it made me laugh to see your feet doing a clogging jig in the background to encourage Gwen to dance...haha!

  4. Loved the videos...they are so funny!
