Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Waiting for the Water to Boil

I've heard it said time and again in so many eloquent ways that "waiting" is not a good idea, that we should be moving forward. 

I'm going to be honest. 

Okay, I find it a REAL challenge to move forward when all that is pending is contingent upon the thing for which I'm waiting. Now, I understand the point. But consider for a moment the reality that the water MUST boil before dinner can be cooked. It just goes in that order. Otherwise you're gonna be eating raw noodles, which might sustain life, but could also be very disgusting. So while I understand the truth that we can't stop progressing while we're waiting for something, the 'progression' here seems more like a filler than I think it should. What I mean is, does that waiting for the water to boil time leave anyone else feeling like they are actually filling their time with other, less vital dinner prep like chopping vegetables or setting the table because the real business can't move forward until that water boils?

Now. I understand that spiritual progression, that life progression, that the development of skills and talents and QUALITIES can actually be blessed and helped along by such a period of waiting for water to boil. I get it. Mentally at least, I get it. But inside, honestly, I just feel... hungry. Like I want dinner now and it is making me irritable. (please tell me I'm not the only one who feels grouchy when I'm hungry!) I know that irritability is irrational and counterproductive... but it seems to be an ever-simmering (THERE'S a pot that doesn't take long to heat up!) emotion at the back of my mind. If I slow down the other dinner prep, it is right there ready to whistle and steam and spill over into the rest of my day. I guess I'm really struggling to keep my hunger from affecting my mood. For some reason it is worse in November and December. 

I just try to keep up the hope and faith that when the timing is right, things will work out. The trick is to be happy and content even while "waiting for the water to boil" so to speak. I find it helps to not get my hopes up, but then, that is kind of a downer thought. So I just try not to think about it at all (don't watch the pot?) and go on with life. Again, I'm sure it will happen when it is the right time. 

But in the mean time, will someone order me a pizza? Because I'm tired of waiting...


  1. I love your analogy. Super creative and I totally get it. I'd send you a pizza...and more! Hang in there. :) Love you

  2. Totally get it and UNDERSTAND. It's easy to intellectually understand all the why's, wherefores, and "find joy in the journey" homilies that we our heads. Harder to implement that into daily life when the snow slide is impeding travel into the cabin.

  3. Been there! Nicely explained. And, to paraphrase a snickers' commercial, I become a total diva when I'm hungry. For me, I've been trying to develop a faith so strong that I really do see the end from the beginning, and so can better stand the wait. I'm not there yet.

    Good luck with whatever you're waiting for. I hope the pot boils soon!

  4. I don't know what you're waiting on but I am in the same boat. For MONTHS the answer to a particular prayer has been "keep waiting," which also kinda means "keep struggling," and I am ready for the deliverance already!

  5. I guess all I can say is, some pots are bigger than others. And the laws of thermodynamics dictate that a larger quantity of mass possesses a proportionately larger heat capacity, thus requiring an increase of time to boiling. Sometimes it's possible to divide up the larger pot and place it on several different burners. Otherwise, we can turn our attention to one of the several other pots of varying sizes in our lives that are coming to a boil varying times. It is hard to wait for that big one, though. Love you, Dear.

  6. I have to add, I enjoyed Eric's intellectual comment. I had to reread it a few times.

  7. Transfer water into a microwave-safe bowl. On power level HIGH, heat for ten minutes. And, if you have multiple microwaves, the process can be expedited. ;) It's tough feeling like the things you want most to pursue are on hold, just waiting for that one thing to fall into place. I've found that those times of waiting have become invaluable along my journey, times when I was forced to take things slower. It gave me time to re-learn how to listen. Time to confront my fears, some I didn't even realize I had. All this while waiting for the big pot to boil.

  8. Oh Elisa! How I miss you and YEARN for our good heartfelt conversations. Once the kids are back in school I am calling you for sure to catch up! This whole discussion pulls on my heart so personally as well. Although perhaps my waiting is a different kind of waiting than yours. I am waiting for a certain time in my life to simply pass; to be done with this current challenge; for the water to boil so that I can finally move on and feel like progression is back in my life. For me right now waiting for the water to boil is about feeling the need to move on, the boiling water being the indicator that life will continue to move forward and that we can finally begin the next phase in the "cooking process." So while we are most likely "waiting" for different things, I completely understand your yearning for this waiting to be done with. Oh how I love you sweet friend!!
