Sunday, June 28, 2009

Father's Day Card Made by Gwen

Gwen made her first Father's Day card! Aren't her feet adorable?

It took 3 adults to "help" her make this card. (i.e. to hold different flailing body parts or grabby fingers!)

and aren't Mama's roses lovely? She has hundreds of blooms this year, all around the house. I couldn't resist.


  1. I think the card turned out so cute! Love those little feeties!

  2. That is the cutest first Father's Day card I've ever seen. So adorable. Your roses are gorgeous too.

  3. She did such a wonderful job with the card!!! I bet she did have help!. That was a very good idea, I think I will be coming to you in the future for card making tips!

  4. wow those flowers really are SO pretty!!

  5. oh, those roses are to die for! I'm jealous!

  6. Oh I love that card Elisa! It's so dang cute!!
