Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How Can I Keep From Singing?... though it be 2 am...

I'm an insomniac. Especially tonight since Eric is on call. I went to bed like normal, but decided after laying there for hours waiting for sleep to come, I might as well get up and do something productive. Here I am at 1 am blogging while Eric is a surgeon. Anybody have any absentee husband insomnia like me?

A little something for everyone. That is what this post contains. Our vacation to Niagara Falls, New York, and Kirtland. Quilting/sewing projects. Weight loss milestone. A lil of Eric and a lot of Gwen. Enjoy! I think I'll add text and finish up later. That might not be for a few days... busy around here.

Blackberry Jam making

Niagara Falls, USA side
since I know someone is going to ask, let me just put out there that Gwen did surprisingly well on the drive. She had never slept for longer than 45 min in her carseat before the trip, so I was a tad apprehensive about how it would go, but we must have worn her out well because she took beautiful 1 1/2 to 2 hour naps during the drive. She's a good gal!
like my collage? see how all those pieces fit together for a nice landscape? Thought you'd like that.

perfect weather, gorgeous rainbow

a rare pic of me
Gwen loved her French fries!
and especially enjoyed chasing the birds that Eric wooed closer with bits of fries. turns out there was a sign facing away from us that prohibited feeding the wildlife. Oops.

Eric looking pretty handsome and pensive.Gwen loves to slap Daddy's head.
She loved climbing on the railing and talking to the water.

Mommy and Daddy got a dose of adrenaline just watching her explore around such a precipice.
I just like this one cuz it shows what a riot Gwen was having.
Palmyra, New York:
We had the most delicious NY pizza while staying at an Econolodge up on a hill with an incredible view. We picked it cuz it had a swimming pool... but that was a "chilling" experience! The real meat of the visit was in the church history sites.
Visiting the Sacred Grove
Gwen and Eric enjoyed some Daddy-Daughter time. She's still in her pjs because it was chilly in the morning when we started out- and we pretty much left our hotel as soon as she woke up and ate breakfast.
I am grateful that because of the Restoration of the fullness of the Gospel, I have a knowledge that through Jesus Christ my family can be together forever.
I'm including this picture because the background is lovely and Gwen looks so happy... and I suppose there ought to be another pic of me in the collection. Peter Whitmer farm.

Eric has hat hair. Don't look.
Corning, New York: scenic drive and Glass Museum
Our drive from Palmyra to Corning through the Finger Lakes region of New York was perhaps the most beautiful drive on which I have ever been. I wish there were photos to document the hills, water, trees, and picturesque vineyards. Gorgeous. World's Largest Glass Museum. Awesome. Costs as much to eat there as it does to get in. Bring a sack lunch if you can.

cool installation, eh? Made up of over 600 glass baking dishes fired to different colors. Pretty awesome stop, for both science-lovin Eric and art-lovin me. We got to watch glass breaking demos and glass blowing demos. Very cool.
Gwen liked crawling around on the clear glass floor and watching the people in the food court below. spooky, eh? What if that floor broke... (but it wouldn't, I'm just being dramatic)

Kirtland, Ohio
Gwen is trying out walking, with help, of course.
We met a nice old timer at the Kirtland temple who taught Eric and me both to play the Dulcimer.

Gwen and her favorite new toy: her stroller.
The new historic Kirtland tour is pretty amazing. We took a lot of pictures.
Quilted pillows for our living room:
finished these about a month ago, but thought I ought to finally catch a picture of them. Ugh, I think I'll take that photo tomorrow. I hate artificial lighting in photos. Here's the work in progress pic.

Weight loss milestone:
and, last but not least, I've finally lost 15 lbs! Including the lil bit I gained and already lost from the vacation food. Still a ways to go, but let's celebrate the small victories, shall we? :)

Well, it is 2:24 now, and I think I'm tired enough now to fall asleep. G-night ya'll!


  1. I so understand absentee husband insomnia. I suffer as well. Actually, my problem isn't going to sleep, it's getting to bed. I hate going to an empty bed. :( So many times I'm up playing on the computer/watching tv/doing unproductive stuff until I finally decide I should really go to bed in the wee hours of the morning. Congrats on the 15 lbs!! I just lost my first 10... good feeling huh? :) You are looking great btw!!

  2. What a fun post Elisa! I love all of these pictures! My favorite is you holding Gwen in front of Niagara. So perfect! And random - my mom found a dulcimer at some music store for a super cheap price when I was in high school and she bought it for me. I learned to play a couple different songs, but to be honest, it just didn't do it for me so it sat in my closet untouched for a few years. Random. :)

  3. Wonderful photos of the vacation! It was great to see those sights again through your eyes. :)

  4. Glass Museum?! I can't believe I drove to Palmyra and missed it. By the way, Andrew would have LOVED to host you on the Kirtland tour. If you ever want to go back, he'd love to take you to the John Johnson farm and the Quarry.

  5. I am totally with you! I can never get to sleep when Bryan is on call. (I too have the problem of just getting to bed.) We'll have to form a support group! ;)

  6. The only reason I started blogging was insomnia! Also, that is when most projects of any type happen...
    Fun post!

  7. Elisa, you are so busy!
    I love all your pictures of your family vacation. It looks like you had a great time!
    -Krista & Bart Paxton

  8. That was a really good post. I'm impressed that you did that at 1 in the morning!
    I am amazed by all of your talents! Good for you for using them!

  9. awesome post! what is your weight loss goal? gwen is a cutie..i bet you loved the time with eric too.

  10. Elisa,
    Your Blog is GREAT! I apologize for not posting very often. I do visit it, but to post you have to log-in and I don't always remember my passwords...I have them written down and am too lazy to look them up...
    Anyway, I love your pics, your humor, your candidness, and your recipes! Wow!
    Plus, Gwen is adorable. I love her, and you and Eric.
    You're my eternal family too.
    Oh, that raspberry jelly pic is 'to die for'! Please get me a copy!

  11. what a fun vacation! looks like a blast!!!

  12. The trip looked like I blast I am happy you were able to go and get some family time in during Eric's break.
