Sunday, March 21, 2010

lil miss grumpy pants

We've been privy to a lot of this face lately.

For whatever reason, Gwen has decided to be unhappy of late. Like since Thursday (just 4 days so far--I'm really hoping this is temporary). No temp, no ill symptoms, already has 4 molars, no reason that I can think of for her to be so fussy. Keep in mind she is 16 1/2 months. She is picky with food (only wants to eat crackers and raisins and I'm not exaggerating), hard to put down for bed, selfish with toys, demanding when playing with other kids (even if outside with lots to do), grouchy on errands, tugs on my pantlegs constantly but then struggles to get down when I pick her up, stopped using signs or words to ask for things but has digressed to just an insufferable WHINE and reach...and then throws a fit if you can't read her mind, and has complete meltdowns if you don't let her watch Baby Einstein when she demands it.


Isn't she a lil young for being grouchy ALL the time? I thought that came with puberty?


  1. Welcome to the 'terrible twos' my friend. It always comes around this time and sticks around until they're about 3 1/2. But don't fret - it comes and goes in waves. Enjoy the ride! :)

  2. ah, yes. the assertion of independence. personally, i think independence in children is overrated. ;o) welcome to the next chapter in parenthood.

  3. Oh, just a phase I am sure. Sometimes we are all a bit grumpy, just for no reason.
    She sort of sounds tired to me. That's what my kids sound like when they haven't been resting well and lots of things can alter sleep. But, you would know her best. I am sure she will be all smiles again soon. What a sweetie! I love how she holds out her arms with her elbows together. So adorable.

  4. She doesn't have to be 2 for the terrible 2s. :) The name is deceieving. It comes early in some kids, later in others. Like someone else said - the assertion of independence. It's just whenever they decide independence. And moodiness. :)

  5. Totally normal! Right before nursery age was the worst. It's hard to deal with, but it will pass. Until they turn 3... ;)

  6. I have always maintained that there's very little difference between teens and toddlers. They both want what they want, when they want, how they want, and will throw a fit if it doesn't happen. :) Hugs, Sweetie, for both you and Gwen

  7. This all sounds so incredibly similar - and like so many have said, it comes and goes in waves. Just be glad you can at least get some fresh air outside and rejuvenate your patience reserves to deal with it. :) It's a glorious time to have an excuse to be outside, even if it doesn't always work for Gwen, it always seems to help me be a better mom to L. Good luck!

  8. Its a phase! And I'm in total agreement on the waves... I guess that's why we are just supposed to enjoy the ride :)
