When I see gals in my ward (like Stephanie H or Britney M) with their cute pregnant bellies sticking out, somehow I've always just thought I looked like that too. At least, I could imagine to myself that I was proportioned like such a cute pregnant gal. As I was getting ready for the wedding festivities this past weekend in Utah (Eric's bro, Marc, got hitched), I kind of had this idea in my head that THAT is what I looked like. Even looking in the mirror, I still saw myself with filters on. I didn't FEEL enormously pregnant, so I assumed I didn't look like it either. And I felt pretty confident, cute, and-- dare I admit-- even attractively prego.
until I was uploading photos from the weekend. And I saw the reality.
Folks, I look like a beached whale! and I've still got a month and a half to go!
I'm not complaining about being pregnant, that isn't the point of this post. The point is, I was shocked to see that what I THOUGHT I looked like was FAR from the REALITY. Question is, am I the only one who does this? Or have any of you been surprised to 'discover' yourself in a photo or video? and no, I'm not going to disclose those photos for your viewing humor. I am holding out til perhaps a flattering photo can be found. :)